Caso 273 Medical history Female patient, 66yo, assisted at the Basic Health Unit had complaints of palpitations and insomnia. Her thyroid presents a hard and painless palpable nodule in the right lobe (about 2.5 cm). Laboratory tests revealed TSH: 0.256 mU / l (NR: 0.4 to 4.5 mU / l), free T4: 0.87 ng / dl (NR: 0.7 to 1.8 ng / dl) anti-TPO: 9.0 U / ml (NR: <15.0 U / ml), antithyroglobulin: <15.0 U / ml (NR: <115 U / ml) and TRAb: 0.30 IU / l (NR: up to 1.75 IU / l). Radioactive Iodine Uptake Testing with I-131 was requested in the follow-up propaedeutics. Image 1: Thyroid scintigraphy with Iodine 131 - anterior cervical image. Study performed 24 hours after radioiodine administratioImage 2: Thyroid scintigraphy with Iodine 131 - anterior cervical image with demarcation of mentum and furcula with radioactive marker. Study performed 24 hours after radioiodine administration. Question:Based on the clinical history and images provided, what is the most likely diagnosis? Diffuse toxic goiter (Graves Disease) Toxic multinodular goiter Subacute granulomatous thyroiditis (de Quervain's thyroiditis) Toxic Adenoma (Plummer Disease) Time is Up! Time's up