Case 407 Medical history Female patient, 20 years old, comes to the Health Center complaining of recurrent skin lesions (images 1 to 3) since she was 4 years old. Initially, the lesions affected regions of folds of the arms and legs, but, 5 years ago, they started to occur in a disseminated way throughout the body, concentrating on the back. The lesions are itchy, appear about twice a month and get worse in times of stress or with the use of woolen clothes. There is partial improvement with the use of topical corticosteroids. Image 1: Photograph of the patient's cervical and dorsal regions.Image 2: Photograph of the medial region of the right thigh.Image 3: Photograph of the lower limbs. Questão:Considering the images presented and the case described, what is the most likely diagnosis for this patient? Seborrheic dermatitis Irritant contact dermatitis Atopic dermatitis Psoriasis Time is Up! Time's up