Case 383

Case 383

Test Question

A 9 years-old female patient comes to the primary care health center with an imaging exam (Image 1) requested in an investigation initiated about two years ago due to complaints of daytime and nighttime urinary incontinence. Although she has fecal continence, the child never acquired full urinary continence. She also complains of chronic constipation. The patient has normal march, mild scoliosis and there are no evidence of sacral dermatological changes, dysuria, suprapubic pain or changes in urinary habits.

Considering the clinical history and the imaging exam presented, what is the most likely diagnosis?

Test Question

[FDC (IF-SE) 2014] Regarding Spina Bifida, analyze the statements below:

I. It is a severe congenital abnormality that affects the nervous system and represents a neural tube closure defect.

II. It is a disease acquired during the pregnancy period and occurs more commonly in the lumbosacral region.

III. Paresis above the level of the lesion may occur if it reaches the nerve roots underlying the affected vertebral segment.

IV. Folate deficiency, gestational diabetes and alcohol ingestion can be causes of Spina Bifida.

Choose the correct alternative:
