Case 369

Case 369

Medical history

3-year-old female patient is followed-up by the NUPAD-UFMG's Congenital Hypothyroidism ambulatory since the neonatal period. Treatment was suspended a month ago to investigate the etiology of the disease. Thyroid ultrasonography revealed an eutopic gland with volume, parenchyma and blood flow within normality. Pertechnetate scintigraphy (99mTcO4-) demonstrated 0.1% capture (RV 1-3%).

Qual o provável diagnóstico etiológico do hipotireoidismo congênito desta paciente?


(2016 – UFPR - Adapted) Female newborn, born full term, vaginal delivery, APGAR score of 9 and 10, weight of 2.900 g, now with 24 hours of life, good suction and normal exam. Mark the alternative which corresponds to the most adequate way to diagnose congenital hypothyroidism:
