Case 361 Enunciado Female patient, 12 years old, goes to the doctor for a routine medical consultation. She has no complaints and she’s previously healthy. At physical examination, she presented pulses with slightly reduced amplitude in the lower limbs relative to the upper limbs, normorrhythmic and normophonetic heart sounds in two stages, without murmurs or extrasystoles. Her blood pressure of the upper limbs was 110 x 70 mmHg (<90th percentile) and of the lower limbs was 100 x 80 mmHg (95th percentile). There was no other alterations at the physical examination. A color doppler ultrasound was requested, and, afterwards, a magnetic angioressonance (angio-RM), as presented on the section “Image Analysis”. Image 1: Color doppler ultrasonography of the descending aorta. Considering the clinical history and the color doppler ultrasound, which is the most likely diagnosis? Supravalvular aortic stenosis Aortic dissection Atherosclerotic disease Coarctation of the aorta Time is Up! Time's up