Case 304 Medical history A 19-year-old female patient reported on symptons of catar for a month without improvement after treatment with amoxicillin and clavulanate. She presented two weeks ago with cough worsening, mucoid sputum, daily fever (39ºC), colic pain in the right hypogastrium, anorexia and 7kg loss in the period. She denies smoking. Laboratory tests: CRP 247 mg/ dL, sputum AFB smear positive (+++). Simple chest radiographs in the posteroanterior (PA) and lateral incidences and computed tomography (CT) of the chest were requested.Simple chest radiography, posteroanterior (PA) incidence.Simple chest radiography, lateral incidence.Computed tomography (CT) of the chest, high resolution technique, without intravenous contrast medium. Coronal reconstruction, lung window.Computed tomography (CT) of the chest, high resolution technique, without intravenous contrast medium. Axial cut, carina level, lung window. Question:Analyzing the case and the images presented, what is the clinical-radiological manifestation present? a) Primary tuberculosis. b) Postprimary tuberculosis. c) Miliary tuberculosis. d) Pleural tuberculosis. Test Question (Hospital Escola Luiz Gioseffi Jannuzi - 2014) It is correct to state that: a) In primary tuberculosis, the most common radiographic findings are hilar and mediastinal lymph node enlargement and consolidation of the pulmonary parenchyma. b) Excavation of lung injury, miliary disease and pleural effusion are common findings in primary tuberculosis. c) In postprimary tuberculosis, the involvement of the basal segments of the lower lobes is very common. d) Excavation in lung injury is extremely rare in postprimary tuberculosis. e) None Time is Up! Time's up