Case 234

Case 234

Medical History

A 56- year-old man attends the emergency department complaining of severe, acute, breathing-related chest pain radiating to the abdomen. Long-standing history of controlled hypertension, in use of Beta-Blocker. On examination: patient in pain, pallor, sweating. No abnormalities were observed in the respiratory, cardiovascular and digestive systems. BP: 155/94 mmHg; HR; 88 bpm; RR: 22 bpm; SpO2: 96%. A computed tomographic (CT) angiography of the abdominal and thoracic aorta was requested.

Image 1: CT angiography of the aorta, axial section, at level of pulmonary arteries, mediastinal window.


Image 2: CT angiography of the aorta, coronal reconstruction, at level of descending aorta, mediastinal window.


Image 3: CT angiography of the aorta, sagittal reconstruction, at level of descending aorta, mediastinal window.

Considering the images and the clinical data, which is the most likely diagnosis?
