Case 225

Case 225


15 year-old female patient, previously healthy, attends to the emergency room because of mid-abdominal pain, intermittent and vague, of recent onset. No other complaints and without altereations detected in the physical examination. Ultrasonography (US) showed an abdominal mass in the head of the pancreas. A computed tomography (CT) was requested, with oral and intravenous iodinated contrast, for diagnostic investigation (Images 1 and 2).

Multislice abdominal Computed Tomography (CT), axial view, leveled with L1 vertebra, after oral and intravenous iodinated contrast. Portal venous


Multislice abdominal Computed Tomography (CT), coronal reconstruction, after oral and intravenous iodinated contrast. Portal venous phase.

Considering the reported case and changes in abdominal CT, which is the most likely diagnosis?
