Case 297

Case 297

Medical history

RNT, male, has been diagnose with a congenital heart disease at 27 weeks, in an obstetric US. He was born well, Apgar 8/8, but has presented hypoxemia and was referred to neonatal ICU, using prostaglandin E1 (PGE1). After an improvement, he tolerated PGE1 interruption and has been referred to service of Pediatric Cardiology of HC-UFMG, at 10 days of life, for outpatient follow-up. Keep cyanosis, but with no failure to breastfeeding. At cardiac auscultation presents regular rhythm with a loud S2, systolic regurgitative murmur audible over the whole precordium with radiation to the back. EKG at the age of 2 months: sinus rhythm and QRS axis deviation to the left with suggestive signs of left ventricular overload. Doppler echocardiogram presented:

Based on the echocardiogram images provided and the clinical history, which diagnosis is the most likely?

Test question

(UNIFESP – R3 Pediatric Cardiology – 2014) In newborns with congenital heart disease with univentricular heart physiology. Considering the surgery approach, mark the correct alternative:
