Medical history Female, 58 years old, has abrupt paresthesia in the left upper limb, associated with ipsilateral cervical bulging with progressive growth for 2 years. Former smoker, abstained for 3 years, with no history of cervical trauma — perforating or blunt — or catheter puncture. Upon examination, an extensive cervical mass is detected on the left, pulsatile and painless on palpation. Image 1: CT angiography of the cervical vessels, coronal reconstruction in Maximum Intensity Projection (MIP), arteriovenous phase.Image 2: Computed angiotomography of cervical vessels, axial reconstruction in MIP at the C3 level, arteriovenous phase.Image 3: Three-dimensional reconstruction of angiotomography of cervical vessels. Question:From the clinical and radiological data presented, it is concluded that the patient has: Carotid body tumor (paraganglioma) Sacular aneurysm of the internal carotid artery Dolicoarteriopathy of the internal carotid artery Cystic Hygroma Previous Next Next Time is Up! Time's up