Enunciado A 72-year-old male presented to an emergency unit with a 3-month constant thoracic and upper back pain of moderate intensity. He had history of hypertension, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and smoking. Findings on examination included: BP (right-arm): 112/61mmHg; BP (left-arm): 126/59mmHg; HR: 63 bpm; RR: 20 irpm; normal heart sounds with a grade II/VI diastolic murmur at aortic area. Fluoroscopic image captured during diastole while performing aortography. Question:Which of the following findings IS NOT observed in the image herein provided? Ascending aortic enlargement Aortic regurgitation Ascending aortic dissection Aortic stenosis Anterior Próximo Próximo Time is Up! Time's up